Luigi Ontani / L’Onfalomane

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ONTANI Luigi (Montovolo di Grizzana Morandi, Bologna 1943)

Torino, Galleria LP 220/Franz Paludetto Editore, (1975), 15,8x11,5 cm., paperback, pp. (48), artist’s book with color illustrated covers and 17 color photographic images portraying L. Ontani in poses ironically inspired by Christian mysticism. Poetic texts by Luigi Ontani. Layout by Franco Mello. Edition of 2,000 copies.

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ONTANI Luigi (Montovolo di Grizzana Morandi, Bologna 1943)

Torino, Galleria LP 220/Franz Paludetto Editore, (1975), 15,8x11,5 cm., paperback, pp. (48), artist’s book with color illustrated covers and 17 color photographic images portraying L. Ontani in poses ironically inspired by Christian mysticism. Poetic texts by Luigi Ontani. Layout by Franco Mello. Edition of 2,000 copies.

ONTANI Luigi (Montovolo di Grizzana Morandi, Bologna 1943)

Torino, Galleria LP 220/Franz Paludetto Editore, (1975), 15,8x11,5 cm., paperback, pp. (48), artist’s book with color illustrated covers and 17 color photographic images portraying L. Ontani in poses ironically inspired by Christian mysticism. Poetic texts by Luigi Ontani. Layout by Franco Mello. Edition of 2,000 copies.

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