Franz Erhard Walther / 30 Elemente für einen leeren Räum 1969 - 76, aven, Kabinett für Aktuelle Kunst

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WALTHER Franz Erhard (Fulda 1939)

Bremerh, 1978, 10,5x14,7 cm., invitation postcard illustrated with a black and white photographic image, printed on the occasion of the exhibition (Bremerhaven, Kabinett für Aktuelle Kunst, 28 January - 26 February 1978). Mailed copy.

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WALTHER Franz Erhard (Fulda 1939)

Bremerh, 1978, 10,5x14,7 cm., invitation postcard illustrated with a black and white photographic image, printed on the occasion of the exhibition (Bremerhaven, Kabinett für Aktuelle Kunst, 28 January - 26 February 1978). Mailed copy.

WALTHER Franz Erhard (Fulda 1939)

Bremerh, 1978, 10,5x14,7 cm., invitation postcard illustrated with a black and white photographic image, printed on the occasion of the exhibition (Bremerhaven, Kabinett für Aktuelle Kunst, 28 January - 26 February 1978). Mailed copy.

David Nash / Houtgroeve 1982 30 dagen 2 beuken
Francois Morellet / Incontro con Francois Morellet
Jo Baer / Paintings 1962-74
François Morellet / François Morellet
Tom Wesselmann / Tom Wesselmann