Christian Boltanski / Inventaire des objets appartenant à un habitant d’Oxford précédé d’un avant propos et suivi de quelques réponses à ma proposition
BOLTANSKI Christian (Parigi 1944 - 2021), Münster, Westfälischer Kunstverein, (1973), 20,7x14,7 cm., paperback, pp. (80)., typographic cover, illustrated artist's book with tens of black and white photographic images through the pages portraying objects, clothes and documents. Text in French, English and German. Bibliography: Calle 2008; pag. 32; Delcroix 2011: pag. 213
BOLTANSKI Christian (Parigi 1944 - 2021), Münster, Westfälischer Kunstverein, (1973), 20,7x14,7 cm., paperback, pp. (80)., typographic cover, illustrated artist's book with tens of black and white photographic images through the pages portraying objects, clothes and documents. Text in French, English and German. Bibliography: Calle 2008; pag. 32; Delcroix 2011: pag. 213
BOLTANSKI Christian (Parigi 1944 - 2021), Münster, Westfälischer Kunstverein, (1973), 20,7x14,7 cm., paperback, pp. (80)., typographic cover, illustrated artist's book with tens of black and white photographic images through the pages portraying objects, clothes and documents. Text in French, English and German. Bibliography: Calle 2008; pag. 32; Delcroix 2011: pag. 213
"As with the inventory of a woman of Baden-Baden, this is a photographic inventory. The photographs were taken by Peter Ibsen, director of the Museum of Modern Art in Oxford, which was what C.B. wanted so that the report would be as neutral as possible" (Bob Calle, Christian Boltanski. Artist's books 1969-2007)