Braco Dimitrijević arbeiten 1968-1978
DIMITRIJEVIĆ Braco (Sarajevo 1948)
Parigi, Centre Georges Pompidou, 1979, 83,9x59,4 cm, Illustrated poster with a black-and-white photograph on the front only, published on the occasion of the exhibition held at the Centre Georges (Paris, Pompidou, March 13 to May 6, 1979).
DIMITRIJEVIĆ Braco (Sarajevo 1948)
Parigi, Centre Georges Pompidou, 1979, 83,9x59,4 cm, Illustrated poster with a black-and-white photograph on the front only, published on the occasion of the exhibition held at the Centre Georges (Paris, Pompidou, March 13 to May 6, 1979).
DIMITRIJEVIĆ Braco (Sarajevo 1948)
Parigi, Centre Georges Pompidou, 1979, 83,9x59,4 cm, Illustrated poster with a black-and-white photograph on the front only, published on the occasion of the exhibition held at the Centre Georges (Paris, Pompidou, March 13 to May 6, 1979).