Keith Haring / Keith Haring at Paul Maenz
HARING Keith (Reading 1958 - New York 1990), Köln, Galkeire Paul Maenz, 1984 (May), 29,5x21 cm., softcover [stapled], pp. (8), illustrated catalog with colored and black and white images, published in conjunction with the exhibition (Köln, Paul Maenz, May 1984). Attached a small sheet designed by Keith Haring, to promote a t-shirt realized by the artist in collaboration with Paul Maenz. [Bibliography: Gruen 2007: page 190 and page 228; Haring 2007: page 111]
HARING Keith (Reading 1958 - New York 1990), Köln, Galkeire Paul Maenz, 1984 (May), 29,5x21 cm., softcover [stapled], pp. (8), illustrated catalog with colored and black and white images, published in conjunction with the exhibition (Köln, Paul Maenz, May 1984). Attached a small sheet designed by Keith Haring, to promote a t-shirt realized by the artist in collaboration with Paul Maenz. [Bibliography: Gruen 2007: page 190 and page 228; Haring 2007: page 111]
HARING Keith (Reading 1958 - New York 1990), Köln, Galkeire Paul Maenz, 1984 (May), 29,5x21 cm., softcover [stapled], pp. (8), illustrated catalog with colored and black and white images, published in conjunction with the exhibition (Köln, Paul Maenz, May 1984). Attached a small sheet designed by Keith Haring, to promote a t-shirt realized by the artist in collaboration with Paul Maenz. [Bibliography: Gruen 2007: page 190 and page 228; Haring 2007: page 111]
"Nel 1984, Keith Haring iniziò a lavorare in Germania con Paul Maenz, un intermediario di Colonia molto noto. Divenni molto invidioso perché il lavoro di Keith mi piacque moltissimo. Capii che un nuovo artista stava creando un nuovo tipo di arte per una nuova generazione. Be', Paul Maenz fece grandi cose per Keith perché dopo il 1984 Keith era in tutta Europa..." (Hans Mayer in Gruen 2007).